Hej, I'm Albin

Builder & Designer

I use code and design to craft beautiful & accessible digital products.

Map of the great Stockholm region

Open source work

    Career timeline

    • Boulder · TV4

      Through a really fun constultancy group, I got to work as a senior frontend engineer at Sweden's channel 4 (TV4). Here I got to help build their streaming service, TV4 play, which has millions of users. This required a great focus on scale, stability and quality.

    • Demando

      Worked as a Lead Frontend Developer on a web recruiting platform built using React.js and Typescript for the frontend, and Node.js, Typescript, GraphQL, and PostgresQL for the backend. Got familiar with GCP (Google Cloud Platform.) and had the opportunity to influence a lot on design and architecture.

    • Dooer

      Lead frontend development architecture and decision making in an R&D team in fall of 2020. Some of the things I introduced include an organized design system and a new state management solution. This helped peers be more productive and less unsure about what technologies to use.

    • Wopify

      Architected and constructed a fully functional web application in React.js from the design specification we initially developed. Collaborated closely with a senior backend engineer.

    • Expectrum

      Worked part-time as an instructor at a local tech-center where I got to teach basic Python, Scratch, soldering, 3D printing, and much more.

    Recursive podcast

    I also host a podcast about tech, design, side-projects and a bunch of other stuff with my friend, Robbert Tuerlings. Check it out if that sounds interesting to you!

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    I also write every now and then

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    Personal projects